HTML Output
This stylesheet contains common templates for creating HTML output. The html.output template creates an output file for a node in the source XML document, calling to create the actual output. Output files can be either XHTML or HTML, depending on the html.xhtml parameter.
This stylesheet matches / and calls html.output on the root XML element. This works for most input formats. If you need to do something different, you should override the match for /.
Defines Parameters
- html.basename — The base filename of the primary output file.
- html.css.root — The URI root for external CSS files.
- html.extension — The filename extension for all output files.
- html.js.root — The URI root for external JavaScript files.
- html.mathml.namespace — The XML namespace for MathML in the output document.
- html.namespace — The XML namespace for the output document.
- html.output.prefix — An optional path prefix for files output with html.output.
- html.sidebar.left — List of components to add to the left sidebar.
- html.sidebar.right — List of components to add to the right sidebar.
- html.svg.namespace — The XML namespace for SVG in the output document.
- html.syntax.highlight — Whether to include syntax highlighting support for code blocks.
- html.xhtml — Whether to output XHTML.
Defines Templates
- html.bottom.custom — Stub to output HTML at the bottom of the page.
- html.class.attr — Output a class attribute for an HTML element.
- — Output content after the content of a page or section, before subsections.
- — Stub to output content after the content of a page or section, before subsections.
- html.content.pre — Output content before the content of a page or section.
- html.content.pre.custom — Stub to output content before the content of a page or section.
- html.css — Output all CSS for an HTML output page.
- html.css.content — Output actual CSS content for an HTML output page.
- html.css.core — Output CSS that does not reference source elements.
- html.css.custom — Stub to output custom CSS common to all HTML transformations.
- html.css.elements — Output CSS for common elements from source formats.
- html.css.syntax — Output CSS for syntax highlighting.
- html.footer.custom — Stub to output custom footer content.
- html.head.custom — Stub to output custom content at the end of the HTML head element.
- — Stub to output custom content at the beginning of the HTML head element.
- html.header.custom — Stub to output custom header content.
- html.js — Output all JavaScript for an HTML output page.
- html.js.content — Output JavaScript content for an HTML output page.
- html.js.content.custom — Stub to output custom JavaScript common to all HTML transformations.
- html.js.core — Output JavaScript for core features.
- html.js.custom — Stub to reference custom JavaScript common to all HTML transformations.
- html.js.mathjax — Output a script element to include MathJax.
- — Output JavaScript to control media elements.
- html.js.script — Output a JavaScript script tag containing local content.
- html.js.syntax — Output script elements for syntax highlighting.
- html.js.ui — Output JavaScript for UI extensions.
- html.lang.attrs — Output lang and dir attributes.
- html.linktrails.empty — Stub to output something when no link trails are present.
- html.linktrails.prefix — Stub to output extra content before a link trail.
- — Output media controls for a video or audio object.
- html.output — Create an HTML output file.
- — Create an HTML document.
- html.sidebar — Output stock sidebars.
- html.sidebar.contents — Output a table of contents for a sidebar.
- html.sidebar.custom — Stub to output custom sidebar content.
- html.sidebar.sections — Output a list of sections for a sidebar.
- html.syntax.class — Output HTML class values for syntax highlighting.
- — Stub to output HTML at the top of the page.
Defines Modes
- html.body.attr.mode — Output attributes for the HTML body element.
- html.body.mode — Output the main contents for an element.
- html.class.attr.mode — Output additional values for an HTML class attribute.
- — Output content after the content of a page or section, before subsections.
- html.content.pre.mode — Output content before the content of a page or section.
- html.css.mode — Output CSS specific to the input format.
- html.footer.mode — Output the footer content for an element.
- html.header.mode — Output the header content for an element.
- html.js.mode — Output JavaScript specific to the input format.
- html.output.after.mode — Process an element after its content are output.
- html.sidebar.contents.mode — Output a table of contents for a sidebar.
- html.sidebar.mode — Output a sidebar compenent for a token.
- html.sidebar.sections.mode — Output a list of sections for a sidebar.
- html.syntax.class.mode — Get the syntax highlighting language for a source-specific element.
- html.title.mode — Output the title of an element.
Calls Parameters
Calls Modes
Implements Templates
Mode |
Match |
/ |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
token[. = 'blank'] |
* |
token[. = 'contents'] |
token[. = 'sections'] |
* |
* |
* |