XSLT Templates
Mallard to HTML
- mal2html.api.links.function — Output links as a synopsis of functions.
- mal2html.api.links.function.c — Output links as a synopsis of C functions.
- mal2html.editor.badge — Output a badge for a link showing the revision status of the target.
- mal2html.editor.banner — Output a banner with the revision status of a page.
- mal2html.gloss.terms — Display the glossary terms for a page or section.
- mal2html.links.guide — Output guide links from a page or section.
- mal2html.links.links — Output links in one of a number of formats.
- mal2html.links.prevnext — Output links to the previous and next pages.
- mal2html.links.section — Output links to subsections.
- mal2html.links.seealso — Output seealso links from a page or section.
- mal2html.links.series — Output links to pages in a series.
- mal2html.links.series.next — Output following links to pages in a series.
- mal2html.links.series.prev — Output preceding links to pages in a series.
- mal2html.links.topic — Output topic links from a page or section.
- mal2html.links.ul — Output links in an HTML ul element.
- mal2html.links.ul.li — Output a list item with a link.
- mal2html.media.audio — Output an audio element for an audio object.
- mal2html.media.image — Output an img element for an image.
- mal2html.media.video — Output a video element for a video.
- mal2html.page.about — Output the copyrights, credits, and license information at the bottom of a page.
- mal2html.page.linktrails — Ouput trails of guide links for a page.
- mal2html.page.linktrails.empty — Deprecated stub to output something when no link trails are present.
- mal2html.page.linktrails.link — Output a link and the following links in a link trail.
- mal2html.page.linktrails.trail — Output one trail of guide links.
- mal2html.page.linktrails.trail.prefix — Deprecated stub to output extra content before a link trail.
- mal2html.pre — Output an HTML pre element.
- mal2html.section — Output HTML for a Mallard section element.
- mal2html.span — Output an HTML span element.
- mal2html.ui.expander.class — Output HTML class value for an expander.
- mal2html.ui.expander.data — Output data for an expander.
- mal2html.ui.links.img — Output an image for a link using UI thumbnails.
- mal2html.ui.links.img.attrs — Output the width and height attributes for a thumbnail image.
- mal2html.ui.links.img.src — Output the src attribute for a thumbnail image.
- mal2html.ui.links.tiles — Output links as thumbnail tiles.
Mallard Common
- mal.cache.id
- mal.cache.info
- mal.gloss.match — Determine whether a glossary term matches a criterion.
- mal.gloss.terms — Output the glossary terms for a page or section.
- mal.if.test — Test if a condition is true.
- mal.link.content — Output the content for a link element.
- mal.link.content.custom — Output the content for a custom link element.
- mal.link.desc — Output the desc content for a link element.
- mal.link.desc.custom — Output the desc content for a custom link element.
- mal.link.guidelinks — Output the guide links for a page or section.
- mal.link.linkid — Output the fully qualified link ID for a page or section.
- mal.link.linktrails — Output link trails for a page or section.
- mal.link.seealsolinks — Output the see-also links for a page or section.
- mal.link.sorttitle — Output the sort title for a page or section.
- mal.link.target — Output the target URL for a link or other linking element.
- mal.link.target.custom — Output the target URL for an element with action or extended xref attributes.
- mal.link.target.extended — Output the target URL for an element with an extended xref attribute.
- mal.link.tooltip — Output a tooltip for a link element.
- mal.link.tooltip.custom — Output a tooltip for a custom link element.
- mal.link.topiclinks — Output the topic links for a page or section.
- mal.link.xref.linkid — Output the fully qualified link ID for an xref attribute.
- mal.sort.tsort — Sort pages based on topic and next links.
DocBook to HTML
- db2html.anchor — Generates an anchor point for an element
- db2html.audiodata — Output an HTML audio element for a audiodata element.
- db2html.biblioentry.data — Output structured data for a bibliography entry.
- db2html.biblioentry.label — Output the label for a bibliography entry.
- db2html.block — Output an HTML div element for a block-level element.
- db2html.block.formal — Output HTML for a block-level element with an optional title and caption.
- db2html.block.title — Output a formal title for a block-level element.
- db2html.blockquote — Output an HTML blockquote element.
- db2html.callout.label — Create a callout label for a co element.
- db2html.colspec.colnum — Calculates the column number for a colspec element
- db2html.division.about — Output the copyrights, credits, and license information at the bottom of a page.
- db2html.division.div — Renders the content of a division element, chunking children if necessary
- db2html.entry — Creates a td element for an entry element
- db2html.entry.colnum — Calculates the actual column number for an entry element
- db2html.entry.colspan — Calculates the colspan for an entry element
- db2html.entry.implicit — Creates an implicit td element to fill up unoccupied columns
- db2html.footnote.footer — Output all footnotes for a page.
- db2html.footnote.link — Output a link to a footnote.
- db2html.footnote.note — Output a footnote.
- db2html.hgroup — Output the title and subtitle for an element.
- db2html.imagedata — Output an HTML img element for a imagedata element.
- db2html.inline — Render an inline element as an HTML span element
- db2html.inline.children — Render the children of an inline element.
- db2html.link — Generates a hyperlink from a link element
- db2html.links.linktrail — Generate links to pages from ancestor elements.
- db2html.links.next — Output links to the previous and next pages.
- db2html.links.section — Output links to subsections.
- db2html.math.div — Output an HTML div element and block-level MathML.
- db2html.math.span — Output an HTML span element and inline MathML.
- db2html.mediaobject — Outputs HTML for a mediaobject element.
- db2html.mediaobject.fallback — Outputs fallback HTML for a mediaobject element.
- db2html.para — Output an HTML p element for a block-level element.
- db2html.pre — Output an HTML pre element for a block-level element.
- db2html.row — Creates a tr element for a row element
- db2html.spanstr — Generates a string specifying the row spans in effect
- db2html.spanstr.pop — Calculates the remaining spans after an entry element
- db2html.ulink — Generates a hyperlink from a ulink element
- db2html.videodata — Output an HTML video element for a videodata element.
- db2html.xlink — Generates a hyperlink from a DocBook 5 link element
- db2html.xref — Generates a hyperlink from an xref element
DocBook Common
- db.chunk.chunk-id — Determines the id of the chunk that contains an element.
- db.chunk.chunk-id.axis — Determines the id of the first chunk along a specified axis.
- db.chunk.depth-in-chunk — Determines the depth of an element in the containing chunk.
- db.chunk.depth-of-chunk — Determines the depth of the containing chunk in the document.
- db.copyright — Outputs copyright information
- db.linenumbering.start — Determines the starting line number for a verbatim element
- db.orderedlist.start — Determine the number to use for the first listitem in an orderedlist.
- db.personname — Outputs the name of a person
- db.personname.list — Outputs a list of people's names
- db.profile.test — Test if an element should be shown based on profiling attributes.
- db.subtitle — Output a subtitle for an element.
- db.title — Output a title for an element.
- db.titleabbrev — Output an abbreviated title for an element.
- db.ulink.tooltip — Generates the tooltip for an external link
- db.xref.content — Generates the content of a cross reference
- db.xref.target — Generates the target identifier of a cross reference
- db.xref.tooltip — Generates the tooltip for a cross reference
HTML Output
- html.bottom.custom — Stub to output HTML at the bottom of the page.
- html.class.attr — Output a class attribute for an HTML element.
- html.content.post — Output content after the content of a page or section, before subsections.
- html.content.post.custom — Stub to output content after the content of a page or section, before subsections.
- html.content.pre — Output content before the content of a page or section.
- html.content.pre.custom — Stub to output content before the content of a page or section.
- html.css — Output all CSS for an HTML output page.
- html.css.content — Output actual CSS content for an HTML output page.
- html.css.core — Output CSS that does not reference source elements.
- html.css.custom — Stub to output custom CSS common to all HTML transformations.
- html.css.elements — Output CSS for common elements from source formats.
- html.css.syntax — Output CSS for syntax highlighting.
- html.footer.custom — Stub to output custom footer content.
- html.head.custom — Stub to output custom content at the end of the HTML head element.
- html.head.top.custom — Stub to output custom content at the beginning of the HTML head element.
- html.header.custom — Stub to output custom header content.
- html.js — Output all JavaScript for an HTML output page.
- html.js.content — Output JavaScript content for an HTML output page.
- html.js.content.custom — Stub to output custom JavaScript common to all HTML transformations.
- html.js.core — Output JavaScript for core features.
- html.js.custom — Stub to reference custom JavaScript common to all HTML transformations.
- html.js.mathjax — Output a script element to include MathJax.
- html.js.media — Output JavaScript to control media elements.
- html.js.script — Output a JavaScript script tag containing local content.
- html.js.syntax — Output script elements for syntax highlighting.
- html.js.ui — Output JavaScript for UI extensions.
- html.lang.attrs — Output lang and dir attributes.
- html.linktrails.empty — Stub to output something when no link trails are present.
- html.linktrails.prefix — Stub to output extra content before a link trail.
- html.media.controls — Output media controls for a video or audio object.
- html.output — Create an HTML output file.
- html.page — Create an HTML document.
- html.sidebar — Output stock sidebars.
- html.sidebar.contents — Output a table of contents for a sidebar.
- html.sidebar.custom — Stub to output custom sidebar content.
- html.sidebar.sections — Output a list of sections for a sidebar.
- html.syntax.class — Output HTML class values for syntax highlighting.
- html.top.custom — Stub to output HTML at the top of the page.
TTML Utilities
- ttml.profile — Check whether the stylesheets conform to a ttp:profile element.
- ttml.profile.attr — Check whether the stylesheets conform to a profile attribute.
- ttml.time.range — Return the absolute begin and end times for a timed element.
- ttml.time.seconds — Return the number of seconds for a time expression.
- l10n.align.end — Determine the end alignment.
- l10n.align.start — Determine the start alignment.
- l10n.direction — Determine the text direction for a language.
- l10n.gettext — Look up the translation for a string.
- l10n.number — Formats a number according to a localized numbering system
- l10n.number.alphabetic — Formats a number using an alphabetic numbering system
- l10n.number.cjk-ideographic — Formats a number using a CJK ideographic system
- l10n.number.ionic — Formats a number using the Ionic numeral system
- l10n.number.numeric — Formats a number using a numeric numbering system with any radix
- l10n.plural.form — Extract the plural form index for a given cardinality.
- color.a — Extract the alpha value of a color.
- color.b — Extract the blue component of a color.
- color.blend — Blend two colors together at a specified mix level.
- color.contrast — Get the contrast between two colors.
- color.g — Extract the green component of a color.
- color.hex2dec — Convert a hexidecimal number to decimal.
- color.r — Extract the red component of a color.
- color.rl — Get the relative luminance of a color.
- icons.svg.figure.zoom.in — Output an svg element for a figure zoom-in icon.
- icons.svg.figure.zoom.out — Output an svg element for a figure zoom-out icon.
- icons.svg.media.pause — Output an svg element for a figure zoom-out icon.
- icons.svg.media.play — Output an svg element for a figure zoom-out icon.
- icons.svg.note — Output an svg element for a note icon.
- icons.svg.note.advanced — Output an svg element for an advanced note icon.
- icons.svg.note.bug — Output an svg element for a bug note icon.
- icons.svg.note.caution — Output an svg element for a caution note icon.
- icons.svg.note.danger — Output an svg element for a danger note icon.
- icons.svg.note.important — Output an svg element for an important note icon.
- icons.svg.note.note — Output an svg element for a note icon.
- icons.svg.note.package — Output an svg element for a package note icon.
- icons.svg.note.tip — Output an svg element for a tip note icon.
- icons.svg.note.warning — Output an svg element for a warning note icon.
- utils.email_address — Get an email address from a mailto URL.
- utils.linenumbering — Number each line in a verbatim environment.
- utils.repeat_string — Repeat a string a given number of times.
- utils.strip_newlines — Strip leading or trailing newlines from a string.