
(The Help System)




A color specified in hexidecimal, rgb(), or rgba().


A color specified in hexidecimal, rgb(), or rgba().


The mix level, between 0.0 and 1.0.

This template calculates a color by selecting a midpoint between $bg and $fg, where the $mix parameter specifies how far to move from $bg to $fg For opaque colors, setting $mix to 0.0 will result in $bg, and setting $mix to 1.0 will result in $fg.

This template takes the alpha values of $bg and $fg into account, so that specifying 1.0 for $mix will result in a color that is the result of overlaying $fg on top of $bg. In effect, $mix acts as a multiplier on the alpha channels of the colors.

This template calls color.r, color.g, color.b, and color.a to get the components of $bg and $fg. It accepts six-digit and three-digit hexidecimal color codes, colors specified with rgb(), and colors specified with rgba(). It does not accept HSL or named HTML colors.

If the return color is fully opaque, this template returns the color using the rgb() scheme. Otherwise, it uses the rgba() scheme.

Calls Templates